Oyster Stories

Below is my collection of sea farmer stories from around the world. Learn about each farm’s origins, their challenges, and greatest successes on the water.

Reviving the Riches of Yaquina Bay: The Story of Oregon Oyster Farms

Nestled along Oregon's scenic coast, Oregon Oyster Farms is helmed by Xin Liu, who working to revitalize the area’s native Olympia oyster population while successfully cultivating and creating new markets for Pacific and Kumamoto oysters. Through his dedication, Liu not only preserves the area’s ecological balance but also enriches the culinary landscape, ensuring the longevity of oyster cultivation in the region.

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Dirigo Marine Resources

On a golden summer morning, oyster farmer Greg Foote of Dirigo Marine Resources, tends to his farm’s precious oysters growing in cages in the cerulean waters of Casco Bay. During the summer months, while the ocean waters are still calm, and before the sun climbs high into the sky, oyster farmers, like Greg, embark on daily morning commutes to their farms.

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What’s In a Name? The Story of Community Shellfish Company and the Cora Cressy Oyster

Named after a five-masted schooner that served as a speakeasy during the Prohibition era, the Cora Cressy Oyster, farmed by oyster farmers Boe Marsh and Zak Alexander of Commuinty Shellfish, is grown in the waters of a grandfathered lobster pound in Bremen Maine on the Medomak River.

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Queen of the Seas: The Story of Joanna Fogg and Bar Harbor Oyster Company

Joanna Fogg is a mythological human with a combination of qualities I did not think could coexist in one being. In June of 2015, Joanna and Jesse Fogg applied for a limited purpose aquaculture lease to begin Bar Harbor Oyster Company, a 22-acre oyster farm in Mount Desert Narrows. Joanna works full-time as a mother, wife, aquaculturist, event planner, and Mount Desert Island community member.

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Untamed Beauty: Harvesting Wild Oysters in Maine

In Maine, wild oysters grow in the cold, nutrient-rich waters of the Gulf of Maine estuaries au natural. Known as “wilds,” these bivalves flourish on the bottom of the seafloor, and their fluted edges are etched by the natural ebb and flow of the tides.

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Dictated by the Tides: An Evening with Mount Desert Island Oysters

We spent a chilly evening wading through the shallow waters of Goose Cove near Mount Desert Island with oyster farmer, Brian Harvey. What the tides revealed was truly an oyster lover's dream.

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Navigating the Chesapeake: The Story of Orchard Point Oyster Co.

Orchard Point Oyster Co. founder Scott Budden left his corporate financial analyst position in Washington D.C. to start a career on the Chesapeake as an oyster farmer. Budden and his team persevered through new statutory enactments and competing private interests to become a Chesapeake oyster farm giant with a massive distribution platform.

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Sea Farmer. Chef. Entrepreneur. Activist. Photojournalist.



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